Happy 2 be Home
Happy 2 be Home

13th Annual Car and Bike Show

It was an absolutely perfect weather day at our 13th Annual Classic Car & Bike Show on September 2, 2023. There were 286 classic and antique vehicles on display! If you missed the show this year, we hope you can attend in 2024! Check out the photo gallery below and if you can help us make our $20,000 goal for our next project, you can always donate here. 

Once again, the show was held at New Ridge Fellowship, (formerly New Hanover UMC) from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. The cars that wanted to be in the show started to line up at 6:30 AM!

Thanks to everyone who entered a vehicle,  bought food at the tent, gave a donation to the jar, or bought a raffle ticket. We raised close to $9,000 and that is going to help fund our next big project!

The members of our Board and our H2BH families want thank the staff and members of New Ridge Fellowship, it's Car Show Committee, and everyone who entered a vehicle in the show, and the hundreds of specators who came out to enjoy the day. 

Our volunteers are awesome! Thanks to everyone who served and cooked at the food tent, greeted the show cars at the registration, directed the traffic, picked up the trash, worked the raffle tables, and everything else to make this show a


There were so many beautiful and amazing cars, trucks and bikes at the show, and they sure make for a pretty picture.

However, meeting all the beautiful, amazing and outstanding people who come to the show, who tell us the stories of their cars, and who just by showing up, donate their time and their money to our organization, we thank you! We loved seeing your smiling faces, check out the pictures in this photo gallery.

More Pictures in this Photo Gallery

Click on a picture to enlarge it or start a slide show.

See you next year at the 2024 Car & Bike Show!

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© Happy 2 be Home 2025

Happy 2 Be Home is a 501c3 certified organization and we can provide you with a copy of the certificate on request.